Wednesday, July 23, 2008


This Friday Mark and I are on the way to GEEK FEST and yes this would mean that we are just that.  What do I mean by GEEK FEST well it means Comic Con down in San Diego.  Comic Con has been going on for just under 30yrs and will continue to go for many more.  We are only going for one day and there will be plenty to see.  I plan on writing about what we see and do here on my blog as well as over at

Comic Con is not just about comics.  It is about movies, games, books, comics, toys, etc... it is a huge convention where people gather to share and show off there interests.  For more information you can visit

With that said I should have my first review some time on Saturday.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Social Network

I belong to several social networks.  I belong to the blogging community with this blog you are reading now.  I belong to a football/soccer social network at and I belong to a new and grow social network when it comes to gaming (  Just yesterday my cousin Adrian (who lives in England) asked me to join face book, which is another social network.

These communities that continue to grow online will continue to grow until the next fad.  Just look at the fact that instant message was all the craze.  Social networks have allowed many people to do business such as selling music, photos, toys, you name it and its out there.  Local artists use MySpace to sell their music which before the only way you could get it was by going to a show.

Many people have said that the social network is full of criminals looking for their next score.  Yes we all know that they are out there, but there are also some very good and honest people as well.  Due to the social network I have met people from all over the states and some from other countries.  Social networks have enabled me to stay in contact (very easily) with my friends and allow me to make new ones.

The question I guess I am headed to is what do you think of all of this.  Are you a member of the social network?  Do you think we are a bunch of criminals? Do you think we are hermits not wanting to deal with a world face to face?

Social networks have there upsides and downsides, but doesn't everything else.  People will exploit anything they think they can.  This is why you use your discretion with what you do and who you meet and so far the people I have met, I would consider my friends.

Monday, July 7, 2008

How do you relax

How do you relax?  Have you ever wondered why we do the things we do? 
Many people have different ways of relaxing.  Some people take a nap, some read, garden, watch television or a movie.   Some people play video games, surf the net or blog.  What do you do?  Do you know, have you ever thought about it.  As for me I do all of the above and you know that at least one is correct since I am doing it right now.
When we relax or take a break it is to recharge the battery.  We can run our selves into the ground really quick without even realizing it.  So for all of you out there find a hobby and become creative.  I know many people who are very creative and have found something that allows them to not worry about the day to day activities of this we call life.  So wether you scrap book, make cards, write, take photos there is always time in the day that you should unwind.