Thursday, December 25, 2008
Where has the time gone
Well, where has the time gone? My last post was back on Aug 20 and it is now Dec 25th. I am sorry to say I really have no excuse. I plan on getting this going once again come the new year. i will go back to new music mondays and add my two cents. So Happy Christmas and see you in the New Year.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The End of Summer
On August 25th my Summer will be officially over. This is the day I will return to work over at the High School. It has been a long summer for me this year. I have been able to put the house together, which we just purchased back in June. I have been able to start attending school over the Internet with National University and I have been able to do some reading. this summer has been an enjoyable time off, but I was beginning to get a little stir crazy. With the purchase of the new home we did not go on any trips like we did last year, but I will say this, staying home has help in saving money on gas. Even though gas prices have gone down they are still not low enough, but that is another story.
This year will be the last time I get to work with my students. They are all Seniors now and will be graduating in June. I have a great bunch of kids, but before I get ahead of myself I need to slow down and enjoy the ride.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Pet Peeve
I have discovered a new pet peeve. Today Dee and I went to watch the Angels V. Yankees (4-3 Win) and I learned that something that bothers me is the group that doesn't sit in the seats that they purchase. Several groups around us failed to sit in the seats in which the purchased. Now, because of this they would have to move when a new group showed up, they would have to move.
the problem is this seemed to continue through the entire game. Now I know that it shouldn't bother me where people sit, but when they continue to get up, get in my way so I could not see the game that just bugs me.
So what are your pet peeves? Is it the loud eater, the phone in the movies, what.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Comic Con '08
What can I say other than one day was not enough. that is why I have my tickets for next year and it is for the entire session.
This was my first year attending and I had a blast. I was able to view new games that will be released on the PSN and other platforms as well as new movies soon to hit the BIG screen. We were able to see many celebrities from Simon Pegg (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead), Neal Patrick Harris (Doogie Howser), Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Serenity), and many more.
Out of all the walking and picking up of free things the best part of my day was the Sony Online Entertainment party we were invited too when were were at the DC Universe booth. Upon entering the party over at the Hard Rock Hotel we ran into Lori Petty from tank girl, league of their own and point break. We also ran into Adam Sesler from G4 tv, Jim Lee (artist and executive producer of DC Universe, but the one that stands out is the fact we were in the presence of LUKE SKYWALKER himself, yes i mean Mark Hamill.
Now you might think wow, that is just great, but have they done anything else? That doesn't matter to a star wars fan it was LUKE SKYWALKER. The other great thing is that drinks were on the house along with the food. While at this party Shaun, Mark and I meet Jeramiah from Utah (Nice Guy) and we still keep in touch. We should be seeing him next year.
On top of all that I think the time i was able to spend with my friends was the best. I got to see friends that I had not seen in some time and I had a blast. I am looking forward to next year, but hopefully something else real soon.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
This Friday Mark and I are on the way to GEEK FEST and yes this would mean that we are just that. What do I mean by GEEK FEST well it means Comic Con down in San Diego. Comic Con has been going on for just under 30yrs and will continue to go for many more. We are only going for one day and there will be plenty to see. I plan on writing about what we see and do here on my blog as well as over at
Comic Con is not just about comics. It is about movies, games, books, comics, toys, etc... it is a huge convention where people gather to share and show off there interests. For more information you can visit
With that said I should have my first review some time on Saturday.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Social Network
I belong to several social networks. I belong to the blogging community with this blog you are reading now. I belong to a football/soccer social network at and I belong to a new and grow social network when it comes to gaming ( Just yesterday my cousin Adrian (who lives in England) asked me to join face book, which is another social network.
These communities that continue to grow online will continue to grow until the next fad. Just look at the fact that instant message was all the craze. Social networks have allowed many people to do business such as selling music, photos, toys, you name it and its out there. Local artists use MySpace to sell their music which before the only way you could get it was by going to a show.
Many people have said that the social network is full of criminals looking for their next score. Yes we all know that they are out there, but there are also some very good and honest people as well. Due to the social network I have met people from all over the states and some from other countries. Social networks have enabled me to stay in contact (very easily) with my friends and allow me to make new ones.
The question I guess I am headed to is what do you think of all of this. Are you a member of the social network? Do you think we are a bunch of criminals? Do you think we are hermits not wanting to deal with a world face to face?
Social networks have there upsides and downsides, but doesn't everything else. People will exploit anything they think they can. This is why you use your discretion with what you do and who you meet and so far the people I have met, I would consider my friends.
Monday, July 7, 2008
How do you relax
How do you relax? Have you ever wondered why we do the things we do?
Many people have different ways of relaxing. Some people take a nap, some read, garden, watch television or a movie. Some people play video games, surf the net or blog. What do you do? Do you know, have you ever thought about it. As for me I do all of the above and you know that at least one is correct since I am doing it right now.
When we relax or take a break it is to recharge the battery. We can run our selves into the ground really quick without even realizing it. So for all of you out there find a hobby and become creative. I know many people who are very creative and have found something that allows them to not worry about the day to day activities of this we call life. So wether you scrap book, make cards, write, take photos there is always time in the day that you should unwind.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Back to Normal
What is Normal? is there any such thing as normal? Is normal what you eat, what you say, is normal the foods you eat, is normal your job and where you live? For everyone Normalcy is something different. For Dee and I Normal is having a place of our own. Last week we finally closed on our home and moved in. We now have Electricity, Gas, Trash, but we are working on getting the water in our name, but don't worry we have water we are just not paying for it yet. It have been a long journey, but we made it and we are much better off for it.
We are now in the process of unpacking which will take some time because things need to be cleaned and as for the dishes this will take some time because we do not have a dish washer, oh wait yes we do I'M the dish washer. The thing is that i don't mind because we are finally back to normal.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Moving can be extremely overwhelming, but also can be rewarding rewarding. This week we will be moving into our new place out in Hemet. For the past month have have been cleaning, painting, and trying to get the grass to come back alive. It has been a very rewarding experience because we have been homeless for eight months. Yesterday June 22, 2008 i began the final phase of the moving process, the moving of our things. I will continue to do this in small trips until I can get a u-haul either Monday or Tuesday.
It's weird, but it still has not hit me yet that after all the trouble we have been through we finally have a place of our own, but I guess once I sleep there for a while it will all seem real.
so since we will be moving I will not be able to blog until we get our internet up and running. So don't miss me too much because I will return.
Friday, June 20, 2008
All Things Must Come To An End
As of today June 20, 2008 at 4:28 pm the headaches are over. It has been a long and hard road which we have traveled, but it is over. Dee and I have been looking and trying to buy a home since the beginning of the year. As you may have read in an earlier blog (What A Pain) you know we have had nothing but problems in this process. We have continued to have problems since then, but today we can now breathe.
I miss having our own space, I miss having a yard to work in, I miss having a garage to put my car in. I miss not having to wait to do laundry, I miss having a place we can call home. What I don't miss is moving, which is the next stop on our little trip we call home buying.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Do you go through life just moving through the motions? Why does it always take a tragedy for you to re-examine your own life? Why do you always tell yourself after the fact that if I had only said this or done that. There are so many things out there in the BIG scary world that can effect not only you, but those around you. Why is it so hard for us to say the things we need to or should say to those we love?
We tend to take life for granted and never think that it could happen to me or you. I hope the next time we see our loved ones, our friends, family and those we care about how much they mean to us. It only takes but a second to for an accident, poor choice or a mistake to change so many lives. It also takes but a second to say I Love You.
Life is precious, take that second.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a friend, Not everyone can call a friend a brother, Not everyone can date there friendship back to their teenage years.
Many people come and go in life and we can call them friends, but when it comes down to it will they forgive after a fight, will they tell you how it is, will they stick up for you when your in trouble, will they bail you out when your stuck, will they be there when they are needed? This is what I call a friend. This is what I have been blessed with for the past 20+ years.
"The only way to have a friend is to be one"
R.W. Emerson
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Day Of
I just wanted to take this time to say congratulations to my Friend Mark and his new bride Sarah. They were wed on the Queen Mary this morning at 10:30 am. Now I know that they have probably heard a lot of advise on what to do to be happy and I will be one of those guys who adds his two cents. Just remember that we all have our ups and downs when two people come together. Just remember you are now a team in this game we call life and the best best way to be a winner at this game is to be yourself. Change will come, but we are still who we are.
I wish you both all the best and thank you for allowing Dee and I to be there on your special day.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Day Before
When you go through life you always wonder what will become of your friends when you get older. I have two friends that I have know for years and are very special to me. Tomorrow one of those friends is to be married on the Queen Mary. Know I have know this guy since 1988/1989 which makes that 20 years and he finally has found someone whom he is ready to spend THE REST OF HIS LIFE with. Tomorrow at 10:30 am my friend Mark will start a new chapter in his life. There will be bumps and bruises as they get to know each other more and more, but in the long run it makes it all worth while. I wish him and his bride all the best and I hope that his marriage is as wonderful as mine.
Good luck to you and remember there is no problem that can't be solved.
Friday, June 13, 2008
What a Pain
Real estate is a huge problem for people at this time. There are people losing their house left and right and there is still more people about to lose their homes as well. Back in October of last year Dee and I sold our house thinking if we don't get out we might get stuck in a place we don't want to be.
We took a break and in the beginning of the year we began to look for homes. We went round and round with where do we want to live and who do we use. once we were able to establish this we began the search. We began looking at short sales and let me tell you there is no such thing a short sale even though many agents would tell you other wise.
After several months of looking we finally found a home we liked and it was only by chance. Our agent and I were out looking at home in the area and nothing was looking promising, when our agent remembered a house that was close, but we did not have any info. when we drove around the block we came to a house that our agent said looked familiar. Well, we stopped and our agent made a call when I looked around. Upon looking around I found an open door and went in. Once I was in I new this was the home and we made an offer. Dee had yet to see the house because she was at work and was not with us.
Now that you know the good part here comes the trouble. The process of buying this home has been going on since April and we have yet to close. The problem is that the banks that own these homes are all in different states and the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Our offer was accepted (finally) and we were a go. During this time we continued to run into to issues with the escrow company as they are not following through with agreement we signed with the sellers agent. Why and how they can do this I don't know, but we will get through this one way or another.
Dee and I are ready to move forward due to the fact that we have been homeless for eight months and have been living with family. The other reason we are ready is that dee has been working two jobs and is unable to move on. I know there is nothing we can do and we will get there eventually, but I am spent and am ready for my own space.
So now that I have blabbed on about our issues I guess what my intent was is to warn you that even though it is a buyers market and there are some great buys out there get ready for a bumpy ride. This has been a roller coaster and the one thing you need to have is a good agent and a good loan officer because with out them your problems could be worse then ours.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
End of the Year.
Today was the last day of school and I am now off for the Summer. So what should I do? First I plan on creating the official Still Life Photo web page (with the help of Google). Here you will be able to view and purchase photos from my portfolio. Second, Dee and I will be moving into our new home (if we ever close) and Third, I plan on continuing the background investigation with the Riverside Sheriff's Department. So lots to do and time to get busy.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Killing Me!!
So, as I was saying in an earlier post it is hard to find that moment of peace when you are in the dentist chair until you get to leave. The problem is the pain and the agony soon return and sometimes the Tylenol doesn't work. As I sit hear cleaning up my blog the throbbing in my mouth comes back and brings back those bad memories from that two hour time in "the chair".
So how does one escape the pain?
My thought is that we never sit in "The Chair"!
The Chair
Its kind of funny that i sit here and talk about taking time out of you day to enjoy life and your surroundings when today is the day you have nothing to enjoy. Today was the trip to the dentist where a crown is needed. When you have to sit in the chair and listen to the drill in you mouth and the smell that comes with it you have a hard time finding that moment. Now we know that we will always have those kind of days, but the attitude can be changed when we can walk out of the office and drive away. This is when you think to yourself could I have prevented this or was I destined to go through the agony? I guess we will never know, which is why we take life one day at a time.
Open to all
Well I have just sent out a mass e-mail out to family and friends to invite them to my new blog. I wish you all a welcome and I hope you enjoy.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
New To This
Well I have just finished for the night and will continue to grow the blog on another day. It may take me awhile to get going, but I am ready to go. Stay tuned for more for it is on its way.
Day One
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